Nice work Don!

I attempted this a while back, but ran into some issues that I couldn't reconcile. I'll definitely be trying this on our app.

Don Brown wrote:
I've completed a spike on a Struts 2 plugin for WebWork 2, providing a
drop-in replacement with no code or configuration file changes.  So
far, I've only tested it with simple Spring-based applications, so I'm
sure there are more areas it will need to wrap, but so far, you just
drop in Struts 2 with this plugin to replace WebWork 2.

Since we changed packages for XWork 2, this was actually pretty easy.
In the plugin, I extended relevant interfaces and classes like so:

package com.opensymphony.xwork;
public interface Action extends com.opensymphony.xwork2.Action {}

The plugin then
 * provides a com.opensymphony.webwork.dispatcher.FilterDispatcher class
 * adds support for xwork.xml files (stubbing webwork-default.xml correctly)
 * translates files
 * provides the tags with expected URI and prefix (JSP, Freemarker,
and Velocity).

I hope to try the plugin on more advanced WebWork 2 applications
(Atlassian, my employer, has a couple), so I'm hopeful it can save us
a good amount of work.


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