Ted Husted wrote:

Could you be more specific as to what enhancements would be the most useful?

My smarturl's wishlist:
 - perform hierarchical namespace scanning as proposed by Ted
- allow namespace wildcards as per the new REST plugin: @Namespace("/pets/{type}"); - accept URL path params as per smarturls-s2 Issue 5

At this point, I'd also like it to become abundantly clear how the namespace/action/method mapping implemented used by SmartURLs and the REST plugin differ and make them consistent where sensible to do so, particularly regarding namespace hierarchy/scanning. Eventually a side-by-side mapping comparison will be useful for developers. I'd encourage SmartURLs to become the defacto mapping implementation for Struts2 and REST the pluggable alternative.

- handling of 404s, which is a different problem entirely after implementing the 3 points above - add compatibility with xwork 2.1.x (the 0.18 release can't execute against Struts2.1)
 - remove the savant build dependency/augment it with maven2
- I do like the idea of a default redirect convention but haven't thought it through. Any convention is better than none.

I'm not sure any of that opinion helps right now. I'm not using SmartURLs in any for-production code at the moment as 0.18 didn't "pass" my evaluations. I am using the REST plugin however primarily because I preferred its URL mapping.

Jeromy Evans

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