I'm not sure it is practical for a junit test to test all the variations of the tags. Just setting up the expected output would be very tedious. I like the idea of having a taglib showcase to test all the tags--I looked at showcase the other day to see if it had this and it didn't. Also, being able to switch themes on the fly would be a good thing. Even in a taglib showcase, we couldn't possibly test every single tag variation, however, it would be a nice sanity check above the level of test case to verify we didn't totally mess something up. (That's always my fear with the ftl templates)

Ted Husted wrote:
Except that I'd have to learn to write them :)

On Nov 4, 2007 7:51 AM, Don Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
The junit tests actually have a pretty good set of functional, black
box tests for the tags, although there are holes.  Therefore, I don't
think showing every single tag for the purposes of testing is

Kudos for taking up showcase cleanup banner.

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