Isn't that what Ted wanted? A new plug-in a day for 60 days. :) I have one lined up for tomorrow.

Don Brown wrote:
Whoa, where did that one come from?  I was just begging for such a
plugin yesterday on #struts from Richard Burton, who is working on an
MVEL one.  I could see Struts 3 == new taglib + JUEL + robust rest and

As for the problem of so many combinations of plugins, I'm all for the
proliferation of plugins, but do think we need to not ship with two
plugins that solve the same problem.  For example, it would be
confusing to ship with two codebehind plugins or two expression
language plugins, especially since the latter could require its own
taglib.  The distribution we ship as official Struts 2 should stay
coherent and focused.


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