Hi Brian,

There seems to be a small glitch with url mapping in the crud-example (rev151). It's okay for the standard use-cases but break-downs if I do something untoward.
Interestingly, the behaviour differs between Firefox and IE6.

Here's the test-case.  The URL is what's displayed on the browser.
1. Start the app: URL: http://localhost:8080/ Shows the index with title Company | Index

2. Click on Add an Company: URL: http://localhost:8080/add shows add form with title Company | Add

3. Enter name as "Test Company" and click save
URL: http://localhost:8080/index shows index with title Company | Index. The list now includes Test Company.

4. Click on the "Test Company" link
 URL: http://localhost:8080/edit?id=0
 shows the edit form with title Company | Edit

6. Enter a blank company name and click save
 In Firefox:
   URL: http://localhost:8080/update
Shows the INDEX page with title Error. The Index is actually contained within the iframe of 404.jsp

 In IE6:
   URL: http://localhost:8080/update
   Shows the default IE6 404 not found page

7. Continuing on in Firefox, click on the "Test Company" link again
   URL: http://localhost:8080/update
   Shows the correct edit page within the error iframe

Inspecting the HTTP requests:
 update returns a 404 with an iframe referencing "/missing"
 the get of /missing returns a 302 containing the index page
subsequent requests are successfully performed within the /missing namespace

Note the double / as well.

Note that Crud-validation.xml uses a RequiredStringValidator but not a StringLengthvalidator so I think it passes edit. I'm not sure why update fails though.

As per my prior emails, http://localhost:8080/an/arbitary/url/index also executes the index action.

Looking at the savant config, my test environment does differ from yours in that I'm using Struts core 2.0.9 rather than 2.0.6. I'm testing with Tomcat 5.5.23 from an exploded directory via IntelliJ.

Let me know if there's anything you'd like me to investigate further if you're unable to reproduce this.

Jeromy Evans Brian Pontarelli wrote:
Okay. The example is in the SmartURLs repository:


It works pretty well. A few things I think could help reduce the overall code bloat:

1. Support public fields instead of just getters/setters on actions. I've never actually done anything interesting in my action property accessors, so removing them in all my cases would be fine.

2. Fix the empty action requirements (the add action is empty for most of my apps)

3. If we add the redirect to index convention, 2 annotations will be removed

4. I could collapse add/save and edit/update using a post check like this:

       if (ServletActionContext.getRequest().getMethod().equals("GET")) {


or I could write a variation on Action that is more knowledgable about GETs and POSTs and invokes two different methods depending on the method.

Everything (comments, thoughts, mods, etc) is welcome!


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