Don Brown wrote:
1. A new property/constant titled 'struts.restrictToDeclaredMethod'
that will instruct the ActionConfig (where the allowedMethods property
lives) to only allow the method that is explicitly defined (defaults
to 'execute').  If false, all methods will be allowed.

2. A new attribute on the <action> element called 'allowedMethods',
which takes a comma-separated list of method names to allow

3. A new @ActionMethod annotation for the codebehind plugin that
declares a method as callable

I'm thinking about doing all three, but I'm not sure #2 is necessary.
I want to minimize XML configuration as much as possible, and I'm not
convinced #2 is worth the extra config.

For those of us that have not changed everything over to annotations and still use struts.xml, #2 would be key...

For example, any struts2 app kickstarted by appfuse 1.9 uses ?method:METHOD_NAME to support a cancel button for CRUD editing, so it would be appropriate to add "cancel" into the action definition for that CRUD save action. Without #2 such projects would need to allow #1 non-declared methods, but wouldn't have a way to restrict to just cancel.


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