Unfortunately, I haven't had much (any) time to work on s2 at all since December. Feel free to poke around and see how far you can get.

Brian Pontarelli wrote:
Tom Schneider wrote:
I worked on Unfied EL a bit towards the end of last year: http://cwiki.apache.org/S2PLUGINS/unified-el-plugin.html I was able to get it working for basic expressions, but it is nowhere near ready for production. It would need a lot more coding/testing before it would even be considered beta status. I also think there are some fundamental limits to what can be done with standard JSP unified el. From my investigation, I'm not sure we could support all of the cool stuff we can do with OGNL. Another possibility is that Jesse talked about adding a UEL compatability layer to OGNL. I haven't followed up so I'm not sure if that went anywhere.
My feeling is that the "cool stuff" with OGNL is probably better suited for an action or somewhere else and even if it needed to be in the page it could be handled via an OGNL tag. It would be nice to use the same syntax anywhere on the JSP including in and out of tags. I would even think that we could cover the majority of the cases using UEL ${} syntax rather than the #{} syntax.

Here's another example. I was using the s:action tags quite a bit for invoking setup actions and for creating select boxes and such. From 2.0.9 to 2.1.1 this broke. I used to be able to set into the s:param an OGNL list and it would end up in the action just fine. Now it doesn't work. It would be nice to just use JSP EL since I can pass in a list object and the container is responsible for finding the object and setting it into the taglib. So, now I just pass in a String and for figure everything out myself, because I know it won't ever break across versions of Struts and OGNL.

If you want some help with the UEL stuff, let me know. I'd definitely like to see one language that is simple and efficient.


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