Ian Roughley wrote:

Dave Newton wrote:
--- Musachy Barroso <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The issue with the Dojo plugin (and any other, like my somewhat-waylaid
jQuery plugin) is that I end up writing all the JavaScript anyway, and the
tags don't help me very much in all but the *most* basic use-cases.
The other conclusion I came to, about the same time as above. To take jQuery (which I've being working with a bit lately), even if you have a s2 plug-in/theme, there may need to be continuous updates or additions depending on the different plug-ins being used with the jQuery core. Also, with jQuery again, in some cases you will also need to take into account whether the page being returned is part of an ajax request itself.

I came to the same conclusion with YUI. It's not at all suited to creating custom tags. YUI uses plain degradable html and the YUI community encourages good javascript practices (rather than inline scripts). Dojo was an good fit as it parses the markup for widgets, whereas creating tags for YUI has been counter-productive for anything except the simplest cases.

I also suspect that rather than creating new Dojo tags, Struts 2 users that want Dojo 1.0+ should follow the recommended practices of the Dojo community. Using Struts tags has resulted in users that don't understand the underlying mechanism and generally don't know how to ask the Dojo community the right questions. I'm in favour of easing integration, such as catering for Dojo SMP/RPC, but otherwise I don't think the effort justifies the result.

Jeromy is working on the YUI plugin and I will give it a hand, maybe
that will be a better option in the future.
I have created tags for the explicit purpose of migrating an existing application from the Dojo 0.40 plugin to YUI for the div, submit, tabbedpanel, anchor etc. At the most, I think these tags are useful for beginners that want to use tags with some default javascript behaviour before dipping their feet into writing client-side code.

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