But does that include all of the interfaces including those implemented by super-classes and those which interfaces the class directly implements extend?

Musachy Barroso wrote:
ClassFinder.ClassInfo has a list of implemented interfaces, so I am
checking if "com.opensymphony.xwork2.Action" is one of them


On Thu, May 29, 2008 at 11:47 AM, Brian Pontarelli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Just a quick question. How did you modify ClasFinder to check for
implementation of the XWork Action interface? Doesn't this need to parse up
the inheritance chain as well as the implementation chain? It didn't look
like ClassFinder currently did that, unless I missed it.


Musachy Barroso wrote:
Thanks for the tips, I wasn't using UrlSet at yet, but that looks
great . I am using ASM 3 with it, I don't know about new features you
could take advantage of, but it is easy to get it running. I think
this method is wrong on ClassInfo:

public String getPackageName(){
     return name.substring(name.lastIndexOf(".")+1, name.length());


On Wed, May 28, 2008 at 9:04 PM, David Blevins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

On May 28, 2008, at 4:54 PM, Musachy Barroso wrote:

It is a standalone library, used heavily by the OpenEJB and Geronimo


Personally, I favor copying the code over and jarjar'ing the asm


+1 :)

Just wanted to throw my support in for fun.

I'd pull in the ClassFinder and UrlSet.  ClassFinder.java is a standalone
class (aside from ASM), but the UrlSet is really useful for narrowing
the scope of jars that you search which of course makes things even

If you know the exact jar(s) you want to search, you're set.  But if you
simply have a classloader and want to search everything "in" it, you
want to rip out some standard vm jars and other jars you know you do not
care about.  Here's an example usage:

 // Just this line right here is good as is will diff the classpath of
 // parent classloader against the classpath of the supplied classloader
 // give you the difference.
 UrlSet urlSet = new UrlSet(classLoader);

 // If you happen to need to search the system classloader, the
 // still leaves a lot of useless garbage
 urlSet = urlSet.exclude(ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader().getParent());
 urlSet = urlSet.excludeJavaExtDirs();
 urlSet = urlSet.excludeJavaEndorsedDirs();
 urlSet = urlSet.excludeJavaHome();
 urlSet = urlSet.excludePaths(System.getProperty("sun.boot.class.path",
 urlSet = urlSet.exclude(".*/JavaVM.framework/.*");

 // If the remainder contains a lot of third party libraries required by
 // that you know don't contain annotations you're interested in, then it
 // be good to aggressively cut those out.
 urlSet = urlSet.exclude(".*/activemq-(core|ra)-[\\d.]+.jar(!/)?");
 urlSet = urlSet.exclude(".*/catalina-[\\d.]+.jar(!/)?");
 urlSet =

 urlSet = urlSet.exclude(".*/derby-[\\d.]+.jar(!/)?");
 urlSet =
 urlSet = urlSet.exclude(".*/geronimo-[^/]+_spec-[\\d.]+.jar(!/)?");
 urlSet =
 urlSet = urlSet.exclude(".*/hsqldb-[\\d.]+.jar(!/)?");
 urlSet = urlSet.exclude(".*/idb-[\\d.]+.jar(!/)?");
 urlSet = urlSet.exclude(".*/jaxb-(impl|api)-[\\d.]+.jar(!/)?");
 urlSet = urlSet.exclude(".*/junit-[\\d.]+.jar(!/)?");
 urlSet = urlSet.exclude(".*/log4j-[\\d.]+.jar(!/)?");
 urlSet =


 // then eventually
 List<URL> urls = urlSet.getUrls();
 ClassFinder classFinder = new ClassFinder(classloader, urls);

As far as the stability of the API, it hasn't changed in months and
 I do have one planned change involving the use of ASM 3 and new flag
will speed up the scanning by allowing ASM to skip by large chunks of the
byte code.

Let me see if I can't get that in there real quick.


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