IJ 8.0 has built in FTL support. EAPs are currently available.


On Jul 27, 2008, at 8:36 AM, Rene Gielen wrote:

I Like it very much, from what I can tell from a first glance. In
addition to the interesting features, it should be nice to work with an
IDE like IDEA (which still lacks fm support).

Al Sutton schrieb:
P.S. If you want to know more about GXP there is a history available

Al Sutton wrote:
Gets my vote. GXP will have had "real-world" thrashing and monitoring
whereas as we've seen recently freemarkers scalability issues aren't
always found and fixed that quickly.


Don Brown wrote:
It is pretty well known that Google uses WebWork 2 and Struts 2 in
many of its applications, but for the view layer, they use Google XML Pages (GXP) [1], which was just opened source yesterday or so. There
is a lot to like in GXP like type safety, speed, correct HTML
generation, automatic support for HTML and XHTML (one of our frequent
tickets), automatic encoding of untrusted content, and even things
like mulitiple language support.

This might be a perfect replacement for Freemarker in our tags as the
templates can be compiled, have better error reporting, don't
introduce yet another expression language, and solve a number of our
outstanding feature requests around tags.



[1] http://code.google.com/p/gxp/

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