On Fri, Dec 25, 2009 at 10:51 PM, Paul Benedict <pbened...@apache.org> wrote:
> I would like to move the Struts 1 documentation from SVN to
> Confluence. As old (10 years almost?!) as Struts 1 is, today it is not
> possible for any community member to update it without having SVN
> commit access. I think it's too high a bar. Does anyone have any
> technical objections to this?

I don't know about "technical objections", but I'd like to understand
which bar you're referring to. Is it the bar of having to learn and
use Subversion, versus editing a wiki page? Or is it the bar of having
to become a committer before gaining access?

In either case, it's still not going to be possible for "any community
member" to update the official docs, since even if we switch to
Confluence, access can be made available only to those who have filed
an iCLA. That's why we have two spaces - one for official docs
maintained only by those who have an iCLA on file, and another for
anyone who wants to contribute, whether or not they have an iCLA on
file. (So there already is no bar, for this second space.)

If you're concerned about the need for committership, then certainly
the bar is a bit higher than just filing an iCLA. However, it's
absolutely possible to gain committership for documentation, rather
than code. I can think of two people, off the top of my head, who have
been given committership in Struts primarily for documentation, at
least initially. If there are people who are contributing patches for
the docs, then perhaps we should be looking at that.

One other option that comes to mind is Sidewiki. I haven't actually
played with this myself yet, but it seems like it might be an
interesting option for allowing anyone to add content and comments
alongside the official docs. Anyone have an opinion on how viable, or
otherwise, this might be?

So I guess what I'm saying is that no, I don't think I have "technical
objections", but I think there might be other alternatives worth
discussing too. Migrating the docs would not be an easy task!

Martin Cooper

> Paul
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