On Wed, 11 Jan 2017 21:34:08 -0500
Greg Reagle <greg.rea...@umbc.edu> wrote:

> Why don't you name it after something totally arbitrary
> but totally awesome.  For example, there is a tree that
> is so toxic that standing under it during the rain will
> burn your skin, and it has a great name in Spanish, arbol
> de la muerte. [1]  There's all sorts of really cool stuff
> in nature.
> [1]
> http://www.sciencealert.com/here-s-why-you-shouldn-t-stand-under-world-s-most-dangerous-tree

Very interesting tree. I guess Manchineel works, but then
the question is, how should I name the tools? I want the
tools to have a common prefix of 2 to 4 characters plus a
dash. Perhaps ‘hm-’, as in ‘hippomane mancinella’, but
that could be confusing.

Any other ideas of awesome arbitrary things, I cannot
think of anything else that is not already used?

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