On Thu, 2 Feb 2017 20:42:06 +0100
Josuah Demangeon <m...@josuah.net> wrote:

> I started such a tool recently.  It is probably not
> suckless, as it is already 1600 loc, but can properly
> display a man page, colour escape codes and content from
> UTF-8-test.txt and UTF8-demo.txt without ncurses.
> http://github.com/josuah/iode
> If this one sucks, I would be glad to see the
> implementation, as I will learn a lot from it.
> I have also seen rirc (irc client) that does not use
> ncurses for its interface.
> http://github.com/rcr/rirc/blob/master/draw.c

Well, this is embarrassing, I forgot to check you program
before starting on ul(1). However, I just ran

        MAN_KEEP_FORMATTING=y man man | ./iode

and it is not able to display it properly, which is the
only thing I have implemented in ul(1) so far. But I'll
see if there are parts that can be reused.


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