On 21/08/31 02:28, Nick wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm thinking it would be fun to play around with Wayland, so was 
> looking at different compositors (which do window management plus 
> other stuff). Has anyone else on the list taken Wayland for a spin 
> and had any experience with them?
> From a search around the 3 that look interesting to me, a dwm user 
> for many years, are:
> - velox - written by Michael Forney, described as "inspired by dwm 
>   and xmonad"
> - sway - i3 for Wayland, undoubtedly mature, undoubtedly more 
>   features than I'd prefer
> - dwl - "dwm for Wayland", looks nicely dwm-ish, though no built-in 
>   status bar so I guess I'd have to find some external software to 
>   provide that.
> Any thoughts, experiences, recommendations?
> Nick


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