Hi, Tomcat devs;
I'm a bit out of my usual neighborhood with httpd... but I'm working on creating a custom Authenticator for a non-standard auth-method in Tomcat and noticed there isn't a "stock" method for adding Authenticators aside from cracking open catalina.jar and messing with Authenticators.properties. After a bit of poking around I came across the ContextConfig class and found that I can create an implementation that allows me to create/assign the Map of customAuthenticators. Sweet - so I set up a little testing playground in Eclipse, wrote up my classes and am a bit confused by results.

What I have come to find is that when starting Tomcat normally, the custom configClass works as expected when setting server.xml up as detailed below. When starting Tomcat in embedded mode via eclipse, however, I cannot seem to get the custom class to ever be used. I am not sure if this is expected behavior based on the way embedded Tomcat works or if this may actually be a bug.


--- info below ---
server.xml Host tag:
<Host name="localhost" appBase="webapps" configClass="ruggeri.daniel.tester.CustomAuthenticatorsContextConfig"
            unpackWARs="true" autoDeploy="true">

Snip of JUnit test for embedded mode:
                tomcat = new Tomcat();


Context ctx = tomcat.addWebapp(tomcat.getHost(), "/testerApp", warPath);

Demonstration class to confirm the class is being used.
package ruggeri.daniel.tester;

import org.apache.catalina.startup.ContextConfig;

public class CustomAuthenticatorsContextConfig extends ContextConfig {
        public CustomAuthenticatorsContextConfig() {
                System.out.println("Custom Authenticators ContextConfig 

Daniel Ruggeri

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