Thanks Mark.

On 03/03/2017 14:54, Mark Thomas wrote:
On 03/03/17 13:12, Rory O'Donnell wrote:
Hi Mark,

There is a second bug that we would like to get fix confirmation on:

JDK-8172726 : ForkJoin common pool retains a reference to the thread
context class loader
Fix confirmed with b159.

Hi Mark,

*JDK 9 Early Access* b159 <>  is
available on, summary of  changes are listed here

Can you confirm fix in b159 for  JDK-8175261 : Per-protocol cache
setting not working for JAR URLConnection
Also confirmed with b159.

Many thanks.


There have been a number of fixes to bugs reported by Open Source
projects since the last availability email  :

   * b158 - JDK-8173028 : Incorrect processing of supplementary-plane
     characters in text fields
   * b158 - JDK-8172967 : [macosx] Exception while working with layout
     for text containing unmappable character
   * b158 - JDK-8173804 : javadoc throws UnsupportedOperationException:
     should not happen
   * b157 - JDK-8174073 : NPE caused by @link reference to class
   * b156 - JDK-8172726 : ForkJoin common pool retains a reference to
     the thread context class loader

The following changeset is included in jdk-9+158:

If you have a user-defined Policy implementation that grants
FilePermission on ${user.dir}/-, reading a file in the current
directory using its base name will fail.  Still the same solution:
Ensure that the path used in permission granting has the same style as
the one how you access the file.

Setting will take you back to the
jdk-9+140 behavior.
Setting will take you back
to the jdk8 behavior.
Feedback is welcome on

*JDK 8u152 **Early Access b01 <>
*is available on

Other areas of interest

   * JDK 9 Developer Guide [1]
   * JDK 9 Migration Guide [2]
   * JDK Cryptographic Roadmap [3]

Finaly, Dalibor and I gave a presentation at FOSDEM the video is
available here [*4*]



Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland

Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland

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