The proposed Apache Tomcat 8.5.18 release is now available for voting.

The major changes compared to the 8.5.16 release are:

- Enable TLS connectors to use Java key stores that contain multiple
  keys where each key has a separate password. Based on a patch by Frank

- Make asynchronous error handling more robust. In particular ensure
  that onError() is called for any registered AsyncListeners after an
  I/O error on a non-container thread.

- Sync SSL session access for the APR connector to prevent errors when
  accessing the session.

Along with lots of other bug fixes and improvements.

It can be obtained from:
The Maven staging repo is:
The svn tag is:

The proposed 8.5.18 release is:
[ ] Broken - do not release
[ ] Stable - go ahead and release as 8.5.18

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