
On 3/6/24 08:54, Christopher Schultz wrote:

I was wondering if anyone had any thoughts on adding anything to (likely .100) to indicate that the build was the last in the series. Of course, we will advertise EOL on the web site, etc. but I was thinking something more runtime-oriented.

Would it be okay to add an INFO log on startup that says "8.5.x has reached EOL and you should consider upgrading to 9.0 or later. Bug fixes including security fixes are unlikely to be released for 8.5.x after 2024-03-31."

Perhaps that's too annoying?

I'm even thinking that we might want to bake this kind of thing into all releases. Every release knows its release-date, and we could have a start message that warns the user whenever the release-date gets to be reasonably far in the past. Say, 6 months. Or a year. Something "reasonable". Just in case nobody bothers to upgrade to to see this kind of message.

Any thoughts?

Mark Thomas and I discussed this last night over dinner while he was in town. I can't tell you how mice it is to get together with people from this community in-person. I hope I can meet some of you in Bratislava if possible.

In general, this seems like a Good Idea but it needs a little bit of tuning.

My plan is to work on a PR that looks something like this:

1. It will be a feature of the SecurityListener
2. It will simply log a WARN message once the release gets to be "somewhat old"
3. It will be tunable, at least slightly
4. It should not act oddly in development environments


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