Am 07.03.24 um 21:51 schrieb Rainer Jung:
Am 07.03.24 um 18:50 schrieb Mark Thomas:
On 07/03/2024 11:20, Rainer Jung wrote:
As always thanks a lot for the investigation and forthcoming fix. Let me know when I can help!

I've committed a fix that worked for me locally but I was focring the test failure via the debugger. I'm fairly sure this is the issue you were seeing but iof you are able to re-run your tests that would be very helpful.

Looks good to me. I patched 9.0.86 and ran the tests 700 times for NIO plus NIO2 using Oracke JDK 1.8.0_402 and JSSE on RHEL 9 without failures.

Same setup showed 4 failures in 225 runs. So this looks quite good.
(failures for the original unpatched core)

Great that the improvement was actually in the HTTP/2 code and not just a test improvement.

Thanks a bunch,


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