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The "Cookies" page has been changed by jboynes:

  The domain value is converted to lower case (per Locale.ENGLISH) when set as 
"IE allegedly needs this."
- ==== HttpServletRequest ====
+ ==== HttpServletResponse ====
- TODO: document this
+ This is typically implemented by o.a.c.connector.Response whose addCookie 
method delegates generation of the Set-Cookie header to 
o.a.t.util.http.ServerCookie#appendCookieValue. This first appends the name 
(relying on checks performed by Cookie), "=" and then the value using RFC2109 
quoting rules:
+  * if the value is null or empty, append empty quoted-string ""
+  * if the value starts and ends with '"', output as is after escaping any '"' 
characters between the outer quotes
+  * if ALLOW_HTTP_SEPARATORS_IN_V0 is false and the value contains a RFC2616 
separator, output as a quoted-string after escaping '"' and force Version=1
+  * if ALLOW_HTTP_SEPARATORS_IN_V0 is true and the value contains a Netscape 
separator, output as a quoted-string after escaping '"' and force Version=1
+  * otherwise, output as is
+ Netscape separators are {',', ';', ' ', '\t'}
+ RFC2616 separators by default do not include "/" unless 
+ Characters outside the set { HT, 0x20..0x7E } will result in a 
!IllegalArgumentException when the check for token characters is performed.
+ The same quoting rules are applied when outputting any Domain or Path value.
+ If maxAge >=, then the Max-Age attribute will be set for V1 cookies and the 
Expires attribute for V0 cookies. If the property ALWAYS_ADD_EXPIRES is true 
then Expires will also be set for V1 cookies.
+  Issues::
+  :: relies on the browser supporting RFC2109 quoting rules when Version=1 
(most apply Netscape rules)
+  :: Domain is not strictly checked
+  :: Path is quoted using the same rules as Value; browsers treat them 
differently (e.g. IE treats quoted paths as invalid)
  === Proposed Implementation ===

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