
On 2/27/14, 12:56 PM, Christopher Schultz wrote:
> Mark,
> On 2/25/14, 3:31 AM, Mark Thomas wrote:
>> On 25/02/2014 06:03, Christopher Schultz wrote:
>>> All,
>>> I'm looking at the comparison table at the bottom of the HTTP
>>> connectors page, and I have a few questions about it.
>>> First, what does "Polling size" mean?
>> Maximum number of connections in the poller. I'd simply remove it from
>> the table. It doesn't add anything.
> Okay, thanks.
>>> Second, under the NIO connector, both "Read HTTP Body" and "Write
>>> HTTP Response" say that they are "sim-Blocking"... does that mean
>>> that the API itself is stream-based (i.e. blocking) but that the
>>> actual under-the-covers behavior is to use non-blocking I/O?
>> It means simulated blocking. The low level writes use a non-blocking
>> API but blocking is simulated by not returning to the caller until the
>> write completes.
> That's what I was thinking. Thanks for confirming.

Another quick question: during the sim-blocking for reading the
request-body, does the request go back into the poller queue, or does it
just sit waiting single-threaded-style? I would assume that latter,
otherwise we'd either violate the spec (one thread serves the whole
request) or spend a lot of resources making sure we got the same thread
back, etc.


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