Am 20. August 2015 09:35:24 MESZ, schrieb Felix Schumacher 
>Am 18. August 2015 14:42:17 MESZ, schrieb Mark Thomas
>>The proposed Apache Tomcat 8.0.26 release is now available for voting.
>>This fixes the BOM issue with changelog.xml in the 8.0.25 tag.
>>The main changes since 8.0.24 are:
>>- Fix EOF handling in the AJP APR/native connector to avoid the tight
>>  loop that caused high CPU load
>>- Avoid an NPE when adding POJO WEebSocket endpoints programmatically
>>- Improved handling of async timeouts
>>There is the usual collection of bug fixes, new features and
>>performance improvements. For full details, see the changelog:
>>It can be obtained from:
>>The Maven staging repo is:
>>The svn tag is:
>>The proposed 8.0.26 release is:
>>[ ] Broken - do not release
>>[x] Stable - go ahead and release as 8.0.26 (non-binding)
>Tested on opensuse 13.1 with openjdk 1.7.0_85 64bit.
>MD5, SHA1 sums and pgp signatures are ok.
>Drawboard example didn't work on first start, but couldn't reproduce
>failure on later starts. No exceptions could be found in the logs or
>the browser. 

I found the reason for the first failure. It was my faulty X11 setup. I had a 
DISPLAY variable pointing to a non existing X server.  The error message I 
overlooked (shame on me) would have told me right away. 


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