On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 5:18 PM, Simon Laws <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 4:30 PM, haleh mahbod <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> As I watch the different threads it is clear that there is a common goal
>> of encouraging everyone to be involved in creating the base line for OASIS
>> code base and there is also a desire to create a working baseline in a
>> timely manner.
>> Here is an idea that came to my mind that might help.
>> 1. Whoever worked on Equinox branch writes down the principles used to
>> OSGI enable 1.x in Equinox branch. This becomes the guide.
>> 2. Define a subset of the modules *as the goal* of what will first be
>> brought to the trunk.
>> 3. Of that subset define a few modules that everyone can focus on at a
>> time. For example let's bring in module x, y, z into the trunk in the next
>> day. This enables everyone to be focused on the same thing and the work
>> becomes a group effort.
>> 4. Everyone who is interested to get involved will do a diff of the
>> selected equinox modules against the latest 1.x. Review the code while also
>> remembering the principles that were used to make the changes.
>> 5. Post questions if any
>> 6. Move on to the next set if there are no major concerns.
>> This will definitely give people who are interested to be involved a
>> chance to participate, learn and ask questions. With everyone involved in
>> this important base line work, OASIS base line will come to life faster.
>> Haleh
>> ...snip
> Re. point 2 running the dependency lister on samples/calculator in trunk
> gives.
> tuscany-assembly-1.4-SNAPSHOT.jar
> tuscany-assembly-xml-1.4-SNAPSHOT.jar
> tuscany-assembly-xsd-1.4-SNAPSHOT.jar
> tuscany-binding-sca-1.4-SNAPSHOT.jar
> tuscany-binding-sca-xml-1.4-SNAPSHOT.jar
> tuscany-contribution-1.4-SNAPSHOT.jar
> tuscany-contribution-impl-1.4-SNAPSHOT.jar
> tuscany-contribution-java-1.4-SNAPSHOT.jar
> tuscany-contribution-namespace-1.4-SNAPSHOT.jar
> tuscany-contribution-xml-1.4-SNAPSHOT.jar
> tuscany-core-1.4-SNAPSHOT.jar
> tuscany-core-databinding-1.4-SNAPSHOT.jar
> tuscany-core-spi-1.4-SNAPSHOT.jar
> tuscany-databinding-1.4-SNAPSHOT.jar
> tuscany-databinding-jaxb-1.4-SNAPSHOT.jar
> tuscany-definitions-1.4-SNAPSHOT.jar
> tuscany-definitions-xml-1.4-SNAPSHOT.jar
> tuscany-endpoint-1.4-SNAPSHOT.jar
> tuscany-extensibility-1.4-SNAPSHOT.jar
> tuscany-implementation-java-1.4-SNAPSHOT.jar
> tuscany-implementation-java-runtime-1.4-SNAPSHOT.jar
> tuscany-implementation-java-xml-1.4-SNAPSHOT.jar
> tuscany-implementation-node-1.4-SNAPSHOT.jar
> tuscany-interface-1.4-SNAPSHOT.jar
> tuscany-interface-java-1.4-SNAPSHOT.jar
> tuscany-interface-java-jaxws-1.4-SNAPSHOT.jar
> tuscany-interface-java-xml-1.4-SNAPSHOT.jar
> tuscany-monitor-1.4-SNAPSHOT.jar
> tuscany-node-api-1.4-SNAPSHOT.jar
> tuscany-node-impl-1.4-SNAPSHOT.jar
> tuscany-policy-1.4-SNAPSHOT.jar
> tuscany-policy-xml-1.4-SNAPSHOT.jar
> tuscany-sca-api-1.4-SNAPSHOT.jar
> tuscany-xsd-1.4-SNAPSHOT.jar
> I expect the list from the equinox branch might be slightly different but
> it shows the scale of things. It's not a very long list. If we get the
> overall principles documented as they stand at the moment the we can review
> the individual modules. I realize this sounds like a compromise between
> Raymond's and Ant's suggestions but I think we will have to take it module
> by module.  There are probably some less controversial ones that we can put
> in place to start with, sca-api (even this though there were the license
> changes in trunk that we need to make sure we get)? However I was just
> diffing assembly, which I thought would be straightforward, but noticed that
> it has the builder pluggability changes in there in the branch. I think we
> want them but we need to understand them.
> So against each of these I think it warrents a summary of the changes
> (given this restricted list I hope someone familiar with the branch can just
> do this off the top of their heads).

+1, i don't think its enough to say we can just look at an svn diff as there
are so many changes, even a diff on just a single random module -
assembly-xml -  gives a 180K diff file which runs at 64 full screens of text
to work out.

> We may actually find it easier to go from trunk in terms of unpicking all
> this but I hold an open mind.
I'm leaning to that as well, with diffs showing so many changes mixed
together or would be easier to understand descrete changes merged into the
existing trunk - eg each module needs the correct manifest this merge shows
one, now lets do the same for each other module etc.


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