On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 10:51 AM, ant elder<ant.el...@gmail.com> wrote:
> There's quite a lot of new otest failures today with errors about
> mismatched callback interfaces, eg:
> SEVERE: The interface.wsdl element has a forward interface with a
> callback declared in the WSDL
> {http://test.sca.oasisopen.org/}Service9Callback and a callback
> interface also declared using the callbackInterface attribute
> {http://test.sca.oasisopen.org/}Service8Callback but the callback
> interfaces are not equal.
> I'm looking at this now but if anyone knows OTTOTH what changed do say.
>   ...ant

Yes, am seeing that too. Tuscany was corrected recently to take notice
of callback annotations in WSDL files and some of the otests check for
this. Unfortunately tests, such as 8006, are intended to fail due to
this but are still included in the general contribution. As Tuscany
processes all the composites in a contribution I'm guessing that this
is causing other tests to fail incorrectly. Am also looking at it.

I think we'll end up deleting a few composites until we can get OASIS
to create separate contributions for them.


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