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The following page has been changed by NathanBubna:

The comment on the change is:
status update

  2. EasierToolAccessOutsideTemplates: Other objects in my webapp are often 
jealous of the VelocityViewServlet. They also would like to use some of the 
tools. Session scoped tools can be reached via the session, but it's not the 
case for application or request scoped tools. To achieve this, there would be a 
few things to do:
   * create a separate Toolbox for each scope and store it in the attributes of 
the corresponding servlet API object (request->!ServletRequest, 
session->!HttpSession, application->!ServletContext). (STATUS: done)
   * the !ViewToolContext (successor of !ChainedContext) will search the 
attributes for these Toolboxes and pass requests for the tools on to them. 
(STATUS: done)
-  * We could create a simple utility to help other classes retrieve tools, so 
they needn't all duplicate the code for finding the toolbox in the attributes 
and then requesting the tool from the toolbox...  (STATUS: not done)
+  * We could create a simple utility to help other classes retrieve tools, so 
they needn't all duplicate the code for finding the toolbox in the attributes 
and then requesting the tool from the toolbox...  (STATUS: done)
  3. SimplifiedToolboxXML: In line with the ideas above, we could cut out some 
repetition in toolbox.xml by better organizing it and using XML more 
appropriately.  For instance, the 
 toolbox.xml for the "simple" example] could be simplified further to something 

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