Hi--you will find me to be a complete novice to
Velocity and Anakia; nevertheless I have come to spoil
the fun.  ;)  Actually I feel like my timing is pretty
good as I have come to talk about further changes to
the recent Anakia refactorings:  I say my timing is
good because it appears the changes to which I refer
were made post-1.0 and therefore further refactoring
will not result in backward compatibility issues
(please advise if I am mistaken about this).

I'll take this brief moment to--possibly
unnecessarily--introduce myself (I think several of
the key Velocity players are familiar to me from the
jakarta and commons dev lists).  I am a Jakarta
(commons) committer as well as a member of the Ant
PMC.  I have begun looking into Anakia recently and
with my Ant hat on I'd like to make some suggestions. 
I would provide my suggestions in the form of patches
but I'm unfortunately not yet clueful enough wrt to
Anakia/Velocity codebases.

With all that out of the way, to the one or two or you
who may still be paying attention:  I'm sure it should
surprise no one for me to accuse the AnakiaTask of
being very old-school Ant; it predates my use of Ant
(let alone my actual involvement).  For BC reasons, at
least for now, that's fine; however, with the Anakia
class having been recently extracted from the
AnakiaTask, I see no reason whatsoever that the Anakia
processor itself cannot be written in a more abstract
way.  In particular I'd like to discuss the idea of
reusing Velocity's Resource (and related) concept(s)
here, giving the Ant task more responsibilty with
regard to providing Ant (small 'r') resources in terms
of Velocity Resources.  This would allow the
AnakiaTask v1.x to remain compatible with Ant 1.6
(possibly/probably earlier versions but that's the
version in the POM), while allowing other clients of
the Anakia processor to be more agile, particularly by
permitting the use of non-file resources.

A directly related issue is that Ant 1.7.0 and beyond
greatly extend Ant's own Resource concept such that
adapters from Ant Resources to Velocity Resources, and
related other adapters, should be fairly trivial to
write:  a 1.7-specific AnakiaTask could be quite an
advance over the current implementation in terms of

My initial investigation into the Anakia/Velocity code
indicates that there may be some Velocity-specific
idiosyncrasies with regard to ResourceLoader
configuration, etc., so I have as yet been unable to
determine the correct steps to take in modifying the
Anakia processor class to use Resources.  I present my
case here hoping for some direction from experienced
Velocity developers.


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