Because Maven currently only does the website, most things are done
with Ant.  My inclination is that we should just move the website
documentation to Ant/DVSL, which would help us keep DVSL maintained.
But let the decision follow the work.  If someone wants to make
everything work with Maven and maintain it, then go for it.

On Sun, Feb 15, 2009 at 9:46 AM, Will Glass-Husain
<> wrote:
> Why maintain two build systems?  Why not just switch to maven?
> On Sun, Feb 15, 2009 at 9:19 AM, Nathan Bubna <> wrote:
>> No.  We only use Maven for the website and the Maven-Ant tasks.
>> However, for the docs included in the release distribution, the "ant
>> docs" target still uses Anakia.  This Ant target either needs to be
>> updated to use a Maven-Ant task to do its work, or else to use the
>> independent Anakia.  If we want the docs in the release artifacts to
>> be identical to the website docs, then we should do the former.  If we
>> want to keep "eating our own dogfood", then we should do the latter.
>> On Sun, Feb 15, 2009 at 9:14 AM, Byron Foster <> wrote:
>>> Ok, are we getting rid of ant and build.xml?
>>> On Feb 15, 2009, at 9:15 , Nathan Bubna wrote:
>>>> Hmm.  I thought Maven was doing all our site generation now, as it is
>>>> for velocity-site.  If so, then any ant docs target should probably
>>>> just be removed.  If, on the other hand, we are still using Anakia for
>>>> our site docs, then we should be switching it over to use the
>>>> independent Anakia project.  I tried to build the docs w/maven real
>>>> quick, but Maven seems unable to compile 2.x right now.  I'll try to
>>>> check on this again later if no one else gets to it.
>>>> On Sat, Feb 14, 2009 at 9:48 PM, Byron Foster <> wrote:
>>>>> The missing Anakia task in the 2.0 branch is causing the build to fail.
>>>>>  Is
>>>>> see that it was removed because it was deprecated.  Do we have an
>>>>> alternative way to generate the site docs?
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