It's running for me under java 8. Log for the cargo section copy
pasted below.

Is it a linux/windows cargo/jetty problem?
I think it's running under a SecurityManager and the policy isn't
allowing the "jetty.home" system property to be read.
I hitted this error during development, and fixed it with:

// Give Jetty libs all permissions
grant codeBase "file:@cargo.container@/-"
    permission "", "";

in the showcase.policy file - it worked for me.

Maybe the @cargo.container@ isn't correctly populated. You can check that by inspecting the following file:

For me it shows:

grant codeBase "file:/home/claude/Projects/velocity/tools/trunk/velocity-tools-examples/velocity-tools-examples-showcase/target/cargo/installs/-"
    permission "", "";

If this SecurityManager thing is too touchy, we can leave it commented anyway. But it'd be interesting to understand why it fails.

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