James McLaughlin wrote:
On 8/28/07, Vincent Demay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I see in trunk yui version seems to be 2.2.2 (name of folder in inc) but
I also see a commit saying "update to 2.3.0" on trunk and a branch where
it seems to be 2.3.0. I just would like to know what is exactly the
status of the yui version in wicketstuff, Is there is a plan to
integrate 2.3.0 on trunk - can be usable with


Vincent Demay

Hi Vincent,
There are a couple of things going on right now. Doug Leeper is
working on a branch to give a facelift to the menu component, and I
believe he added 2.3.0 to that branch (Doug if you are tracking this I
promise to get back to you soon). And there is also the thread from
earlier today in which I am trying to convince Korbinian to adapt
YuiHeaderContributor to 2.3.0, which hopefully he will have time for.
You can read up on that thread here:


But overall, I think the prognosis is good to have wicketstuff-yui
ported to 2.3.0 real soon.

Thx for for quick answer. I asked this question because I wrote a Dialog widget(needs by one of my projects) in wicketstuff-yui(so based on 2.2.2 - think it could directly be ported to 2.3.0).

Is it interesting for you? if yes, do you want me to commit it, or do you prefer a patch in wicketstuff jira?



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