Congratulations! Keep up your excellent work!


On 8/29/07, Martijn Dashorst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is the third beta for Apache Wicket we have prepared for your
> pleasure. It contains over 100 fixes to issues with previous releases and
> todo
> items we have cleared.
> In this announcement:
> - Apache Wicket
> - This release
> - Migrating from 1.2
> - Downloading the release
> - Validating the release
> - Reporting bugs
> Eager people click here to download the distribution, others can read
> further:
> We thank you for your patience and support. Given the current list of
> remaining
> issues we think a fourth beta release is necessary. But that is no
> excuse for not
> giving this third installment a test drive!
> The Wicket Team
> -= Apache Wicket =-
> Apache Wicket is a component oriented Java web application framework
> currently
> undergoing incubation at the Apache Software foundation. With proper
> mark-up/logic separation, a POJO data model, and a refreshing lack of XML,
> Apache Wicket makes developing web-apps simple and enjoyable again. Swap
> the
> boilerplate, complex debugging and brittle code for powerful, reusable
> components written with plain Java and HTML.
> Our migration to a top level project is now completed and you can find our
> website and documentation here:
> -= This release =-
> This release is the third in a series of beta releases until we feel
> confident to finalize Wicket 1.3. This is called a beta because we don't
> have
> fixed all bugs, and probably haven't found them all either (can you ever
> be
> sure?). However, we are confident that most major API changes are in and
> therefore want to give you access to a more stable platform than depending
> on
> trunk.
> - Migrating from 1.2 -
> If you are coming from Wicket 1.2, you really want to read our migration
> guide, found on the wiki:
> - Downloading the release -
> You can download the release from the official Apache mirror system, and
> you
> can find it through the following link:
> For the Maven and Ivy fans out there: update your pom's to the following,
> and
> everything will be downloaded automatically:
> <dependency>
>    <groupId>org.apache.wicket</groupId>
>    <artifactId>wicket</artifactId>
>    <version>1.3.0-beta3</version>
> </dependency>
> Substitute the artifact ID with the projects of your liking to get the
> other
> projects.
> Please note that we don't prescribe a Logging implementation for
> SLF4J. You need to specify yourself which one you prefer. Read more
> about SLF4J here:
> - Validating the release -
> The release has been signed by Martijn Dashorst, your release manager
> for today. The public key can be found in the KEYS file in the
> download area. Download the KEYS file only from the Apache website.
> Instructions on how to validate the release can be found here:
> - Reporting bugs -
> In case you do encounter a bug, we would appreciate a report in our JIRA:
> -= The distribution =-
> In the distribution you will find a README. The README contains
> instructions
> on how to build from source yourself and a list of all things that have
> been
> fixed, added and/or removed since the first beta release.
> Release Notes - Wicket - Version 1.3.0-beta3
> ** Sub-task
>     * [WICKET-866] - Assign open issues to next release
>     * [WICKET-867] - Build and upload distribution
> ** Bug
>     * [WICKET-322] - Odd behvavior with PasswordTextField evaluation
>     * [WICKET-447] - Password field gets reset on setResetPassword ==
> false even after successful validation
>     * [WICKET-492] - Website Developer SVN still references the
> branches/ directory and results in not found
>     * [WICKET-494] - id attribute is not preserved
>     * [WICKET-500] -
> org.apache.wicket.extensions.yui.calendar.DateField; throws NPE upon
> validation.
>     * [WICKET-525] - Component.getConverter is ignored by
> PropertyConverter
>     * [WICKET-555] - WicketTester.assertComponentOnAjaxResponse fails
> if AJAX response contains line breaks
>     * [WICKET-564] - Problem with Autolinks inside panel preview code
>     * [WICKET-570] - MarkupCache does not load markup if it did not exist
> before
>     * [WICKET-601] - RadioGroup and CheckGroup cause XHTML validation
> errors because of name attribute
>     * [WICKET-627] - Can't visit components in a ListView before
> they're rendered.
>     * [WICKET-641] - wicket thread handling is not fully servlet container
> aware
>     * [WICKET-668] - PropertyResolver.getPropertySetter() depends on
> calling PropertyResolver.setValue() first for it to work.
>     * [WICKET-686] - Allow validators to process null value
>     * [WICKET-695] - Border.resolve() should not attempt to render
> contents if bodyVisible is false
>     * [WICKET-697] - FormTester crashes with NullPointerException, if
> FormComponent is not found
>     * [WICKET-698] - If the model is List, PropertyResolver doesn't
> try to find fields.
>     * [WICKET-700] - Palette, Recorder Issue - Compound Property Model
> does not work.
>     * [WICKET-703] - AjaxEditableChoiceLabel doesn't work
>     * [WICKET-710] - Radio/Check/Box cleared on validation error
>     * [WICKET-712] - IConverter refers to nonexistent "class c"
>     * [WICKET-714] - PagingNavigation examples in javadoc are out of
> date (patch enclosed)
>     * [WICKET-718] - authentication example on
> throws exception
>     * [WICKET-719] - [WICKET-673] breaks AbstractPageableView with
> AjaxPagingNavigator
>     * [WICKET-720] - Image does not regenerate its
> LocalizedImageResource resource/resourceReference when you call
> setModel()
>     * [WICKET-721] - MarkupException using <wicket:message> tags in a
> fragment
>     * [WICKET-723] - A 'recorder' subcomponent of Palette is used as
> property expression in the CompoundPropertyModel
>     * [WICKET-724] - WicketFilter doesn't handle filter mapping
> parameter from FilterConfig properly
>     * [WICKET-729] - OnChangeAjaxBehavior does not work with
> <textarea> when using Safari
>     * [WICKET-737] - Trivial fix for html validation in
>     * [WICKET-738] - setVisible(false) on Page throws NPE
>     * [WICKET-739] - MixedParamUrlCodingStrategy : no symmetric url
> encoding/decoding
>     * [WICKET-741] - Double quotes aren't escaped properly in
> component tag attributes.
>     * [WICKET-743] - spelling mistake in
>     * [WICKET-747] - wrong positioning of date pickers
>     * [WICKET-748] -
> ServletWebRequest.getRelativePathPrefixToContextRoot generates wrong
> relative path if current page has URL-encoding in the params.
>     * [WICKET-749] - ClassCastException when using ReloadingWicketFilter
>     * [WICKET-750] - Calling setCacheable(false) on WebResource don't
> change header properties in WebResponse
>     * [WICKET-755] - EvenOddItem constants not actually constants
>     * [WICKET-758] - HTML validation cleanliness
>     * [WICKET-760] - WicketTester no longer works with WicketFilter
>     * [WICKET-762] - Resource cleanup in WicketTester
>     * [WICKET-763] - bread crumb component does not properly detach bread
> crumbs
>     * [WICKET-765] - default pagemap name of null is not always
> properly encoded into the url
>     * [WICKET-769] - Stripping Wicket tags not completely valid
>     * [WICKET-772] - IndexOutOfBoundsException in BehaviorRequestTarget
>     * [WICKET-774] - Feedback messages get cleaned up too early when
> using redirect to render strategy
>     * [WICKET-779] - Constructor of Session (and subclasses) has a
> redundant Application parameter
>     * [WICKET-784] - Session.dirty() does not cause an unbound session to
> bind.
>     * [WICKET-790] - WebExternalResourceStream.close() throws NPE
>     * [WICKET-791] - page and webpage constructor with pageparameters
> argument does not properly initialize
>     * [WICKET-793] - PasswordTextField.setResetPassword(false) not
> honoring input when form has errors
>     * [WICKET-798] - A Few Wicket Projects are Missing site.xml and
> wicket-site-skin
>     * [WICKET-801] - getTo() in NavigatorLabel is off by one
>     * [WICKET-802] - Incorrect use of src/main/resources?
>     * [WICKET-803] - Use of parent pom?
>     * [WICKET-809] - DatePicker: invalid Javascript when component's
> wicket:id contains non-word character
>     * [WICKET-813] - DatePicker doesn't notify component
>     * [WICKET-814] - DateTimeField minute field needs zero-padding -
> it should display "00" not "0"
>     * [WICKET-816] - Component#getLocale and Component#getVariation
> should search their parents
>     * [WICKET-823] - Empty content inserted into Border - throws ugly
> exceptions
>     * [WICKET-827] - Ajax refresh fails when a fragment is included in
> the target
>     * [WICKET-828] - Using form method=get does not work
>     * [WICKET-833] - /wicket-datetime/
> org.apache.wicket.util.license.JavaScriptLicenseHeaderHandler failed.
>     * [WICKET-834] - Cannot make border body contents visible once
> they were hidden
>     * [WICKET-838] - AjaxFormChoiceComponentUpdatingBehavior not working
>     * [WICKET-839] - Make FormComponent#setRequired non-final
>     * [WICKET-841] - More problems with ajax and transparent containers
>     * [WICKET-850] - Bad message resolution when sibling components
> require the same key
>     * [WICKET-859] - DateField's/ DateTimeField's factory methods
> should pass in ids
>     * [WICKET-891] - Switching locale doesn't change already rendered
> feedback messages' language
> ** Improvement
>     * [WICKET-394] - [Patch] do not serialize choices and select in
> palette.
>     * [WICKET-426] - Take advantage of covariant return types in
> getSession()
>     * [WICKET-602] - Highlighting/Preselecting the first item in the
> autocomplete list.
>     * [WICKET-634] - Add an AjaxFallbackButton
>     * [WICKET-661] - fire onchange event of associated component after
> date selection
>     * [WICKET-699] - Recover gracefully when no graphics display is
> available
>     * [WICKET-709] - Unable to remove an IFormValidator from a Form
>     * [WICKET-711] - Remove log4j dependency
>     * [WICKET-716] - make getConvertedInput final again and remove
> final from convert, which should be renamed to convertInput
>     * [WICKET-726] - make default maximum upload size an application
> setting
>     * [WICKET-727] - WicketTester cause
> SerializableChecker$WicketNotSerializableException
>     * [WICKET-731] - make SmartLinkLabel more flexible
>     * [WICKET-732] - Qualified resource key should take priority over
> unqualified one
>     * [WICKET-733] - [PATCH] <input type="submit"> doesn't render
> value attribute with Link component
>     * [WICKET-736] - Improve PageStore
>     * [WICKET-740] - make displaying the PageView in ExceptionErrorPage
> optional
>     * [WICKET-751] - DatePicker doesn't  adhere to the provided
> DatePattern
>     * [WICKET-754] - add support for localization
>     * [WICKET-759] - Add metadata to RequestCycle
>     * [WICKET-761] - Disable line-precise exceptions for component use
> check
>     * [WICKET-766] - Allowing overriding of wicket's generated ID
>     * [WICKET-770] - Contribution of
>     * [WICKET-781] - AjaxFallbackDefaultDataTable and DefaultDataTable
> require SortableDataProvider class, not an interface
>     * [WICKET-805] - upgrade to SLF4J to version 1.4.2
>     * [WICKET-808] - renderIterator of ListView and Loop should use
> the number of children rather than the current size of the model
>     * [WICKET-817] - date converters should try to use any components
> they are coupled to get the locale
>     * [WICKET-818] - add documentation for 'criteria' parameter in
> IAutoCompleteRenderer
>     * [WICKET-820] - Add PL (polish) property files to wicket
>     * [WICKET-821] - Add SL (slovenian) property files to wicket
>     * [WICKET-829] - DetachableContactModel - the 'contact' property
> is never used
>     * [WICKET-837] - Use -DpackageName if it is specified
>     * [WICKET-840] - FormComponentPanel should be abstract and have
> abstract method checkRequired
>     * [WICKET-863] - don't throw exceptions when missing keys for var
> substitution when throwExceptionOnMissingResource setting is false
> ** New Feature
>     * [WICKET-786] - Add "deny" capability to AuthorizeAction
> ** Task
>     * [WICKET-459] - Add to API: Palette requires a ChoiceRenderer
> with both a displayvalue and id value
>     * [WICKET-533] - Make sure that Page and no other component
> requires to load the markup before constructor
>     * [WICKET-811] - upgrade YUI to 2.3.0 and use yuiloader facilities
>     * [WICKET-865] - Release Wicket-1.3-beta3
> --
> Buy Wicket in Action:
> Apache Wicket 1.3.0-beta3 is released
> Get it now:

Xavier Hanin - Independent Java Consultant

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