It isn't my constructor I'm trying to abort.
It is the wicket code that expects me to add certain objects to the page.
If I've already told it that I want to forward to another page, why should it 
care that I didn't "add  X component to the page or the heirarchy doesn't match"


On 8/20/09 6:14 PM, "Igor Vaynberg" <> wrote:

doesnt seem that weird if you want to abort the creation of an object
- that is what you want here dont you? if you know of another
construct in java that will let us do that i am all ears.


On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 4:10 PM, Douglas
Ferguson<> wrote:
> It seems odd to throw an exception to control flow in a non error state, 
> that's why I was suggesting that you consider a different approach in 1.5
> D/
> On 8/20/09 6:03 PM, "Igor Vaynberg" <> wrote:
> thats why we have RestartResponseException(page)
> -igor
> On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 4:01 PM, Douglas
> Ferguson<> wrote:
>> Something that I've encounter that I found frustrating that might be worth 
>> considering in the new design:
>> Construct a page...
>> Realize you need to forward to another page,
>> Call setResponsePage(...)
>> If the constructor short circuits when it realizes that the request is 
>> getting forwarded,
>> Wicket will blow up if you haven't added all the components because it wants 
>> to finish building everything  before the response is "Fowarded".
>> D/
>> On 8/20/09 4:53 PM, "Igor Vaynberg" <> wrote:
>> have you seen @RequireHttps in 1.4? it is a pita, but its doable.
>> -igor
>> On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 1:53 PM, Douglas
>> Ferguson<> wrote:
>>> I agree that this area could benefit from a redesign.
>>> I specifically found it difficult when writing a RequestHandler that would 
>>> redirect request from ssl to non-ssl depending no the page type.
>>> I.E. Login is redirected to HTTPS, then regular page redirects you back to 
>>> HTTP
>>> D/
>>> On 8/20/09 3:46 PM, "Igor Vaynberg" <> wrote:
>>> the intention is to drastically simply the process of going from a url
>>> to a page.
>>> right now we have the filter->requestcycle->processor->coding
>>> strategy->target->page. everything between the filter and the page is
>>> very complicated. we would like to clean it up and simplify it.
>>> our url handling is a mess. it is spread all over the aforementioned
>>> objects - encoding, decoding, parameter resolving, relative path
>>> calculations, context path calculations, etc, etc. we would like to
>>> create a value object to represent the url, and centralize all that
>>> logic inside.
>>> we also intend to make it simpler to create custom coding strategies,
>>> as well as mount non-page-related handlers onto urls.
>>> further, a stretch goal would be to unify the handling of resources
>>> with this scheme. currently resources are handled via SharedResources
>>> and are completely separate from the normal process. its more stuff to
>>> learn and to understand for users, hopefully we can rebuild resources
>>> to work via the same process as everything else - thus the
>>> non-page-related handlers mentioned above.
>>> these are all rough ideas, we havent really talked much about them but
>>> prototyped some code to see what this can potentially look like.
>>> -igor
>>> On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 1:33 PM, Martijn
>>> Dashorst<> wrote:
>>>> It would be nice to get some guidance towards the goals, and
>>>> architecture of your new design before we commit to it. Just looking
>>>> at the code doesn't reveal intention or the bigger picture.
>>>> Martijn
>>>> On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 8:09 PM, Matej Knopp<> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> actually the changes in 1.5 might be quite drastic as far as wicket
>>>>> internals are concerned. I've already rewritten the request cycle, url
>>>>> processing and page management. I'm not sure how much of it will
>>>>> actually get to trunk though. You can take a look at the code here if
>>>>> you are interested:
>>>>> Note that this is pretty much a prototype. While the request cycle,
>>>>> url processing and page management work, the rest of wicket is more or
>>>>> less mocked.
>>>>> Also right now it only covers regular request processing. I don't know
>>>>> enough about portlets to build in portlet support. I'm not even sure
>>>>> the architecture is flexible enough to allow seamless portlet
>>>>> integration. That said, it would be much probably lot easier and
>>>>> cleaner to refactor this code than to add add portlets to existing
>>>>> wicket trunk - which always feel like a hack to me.
>>>>> -Matej
>>>>> On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 8:03 PM, Antony Stubbs<> 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> There us already a working patch since early this year. I just need to
>>>>>> update it to trunk which shouldn't be a big deal.
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Antony Stubbs
>>>>>> website:
>>>>>> On 20/08/2009, at 7:58 PM, Igor Vaynberg <> wrote:
>>>>>>> come up with a proposal we can discuss. when we hash out the idea then
>>>>>>> come up with a patch.
>>>>>>> proposal==patch is fine as far as you dont mind refactoring as we 
>>>>>>> iterate.
>>>>>>> -igor
>>>>>>> On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 9:51 AM, Antony Stubbs<>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Apologies if this is known, but is there anywhere noted the plan for 
>>>>>>>> 1.5?
>>>>>>>> Also, I'd like to look back at the portal events work I did, and try 
>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>> get
>>>>>>>> that into 1.5. What would be the process for doing so? In terms of 
>>>>>>>> making
>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>> branch, or just re-patching, or do I just need to get the final OK from
>>>>>>>> Ate?
>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>> Antony Stubbs,
>>>>>>>> On 20/08/2009, at 5:10 PM, Igor Vaynberg wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Wicket 1.4.x has been branched and now lives in
>>>>>>>>> Trunk is now what will become 1.5.0.
>>>>>>>>> Trunk may be broken in the early days of development and contain a lot
>>>>>>>>> of API breaks, so if you are following bleeding edge you may want to
>>>>>>>>> do so on the 1.4.x branch for a while.
>>>>>>>>> -igor
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