James Carman wrote:
On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 12:00 PM, Kenny MacLeod
<kenny.macl...@kizoom.com> wrote:
I agree that it should be no means be the default setting, but in some cases
you *know* your production environment does not serialize sessions.

For example, we run in a JBoss cluster with Tomcat session replication
disabled. Our sessions are full of legacy objects that are not serializable,
and it causes no problem whatsoever. There's no replication, and no session

All I'm suggesting is that the option is made available, with suitable
health warnings.

How much are you really saving here anyway?  Is it really that much of
a performance penalty to go through a proxy (compared to the rest of
what goes on during a request cycle)?  This sounds like a premature
optimization to me.

It's not an issue of performance - that would indeed be pointless. The issue is that not all classes are CGLIB-proxiable. The applications I'm working with have many legacy Spring objects that I want to use in Wicket which cannot be proxied. I could, in theory, wrap them with something that *can* be proxied, but the framework should bend in the direction I need it to go.


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