On Mon, Nov 29, 2010 at 11:51 PM, Juergen Donnerstag
<juergen.donners...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm curious. Which ideas would you steal from SiteBricks and JaxRS?

I think SiteBricks strikes a nice balance between Wicket's and
Tapestry's (or JSF's/ ASP.NET's) programming models. I like that it
allows *some* logic in the templates - but which is checked early -
and code-behind constructs (which can save you lots of lines of code),
that it supports DI natively, and some things like how URLs are mapped
and e.g. how custom component names are defined are neat. I do have
doubts how well this would scale for complexity, which imho is the
problem with frameworks like Tapestry also. Relatively simple code is
easy enough to do and often looks more elegant (shorter at least) than
Wicket, but things can get messy quickly, especially when dealing with
deeper widget trees and projects using multiple component libraries. I
like the consistency that Wicket gives you, but I would try to make a
few common things a little bit less verbose.

Wrt JaxRs, I just like that framework. I like how easy it is (with
Jersey at least) to pass around objects that under the covers are
converted from/ to JSON, I like how easy it is to map method arguments
to request or POST parameters, etc. In short, I'd try to make better
use of annotations but keep it clean, straightforward and optional,
and I'd try to have a more DI centric approach (for instance, I really
like how you can let Jersey just pass in context objects in a method
if you need it).


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