Wicket 7.0.0 is about to be released so it's a bit late for ideas.
But what you describe sounds like what  wicketstuff-stateless project
already provides.
On Jan 10, 2015 4:43 AM, "Martin Makundi" <
martin.maku...@koodaripalvelut.com> wrote:

> Hi!
> I tried to add and idea to
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/WICKET/Ideas+for+Wicket+7.0
> However I cannot find any edit buttons when Logged in to confluence. The
> contribution page says anybody can contribute?
> My idea is related to "Better stateless support
> <
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/WICKET/Ideas+for+Wicket+7.0#IdeasforWicket7.0-Betterstatelesssupport
> >
> ":
>    - Wicket seems to have this inherent MVC design flaw that it's View is
>    stateful when it would really be sufficient that the Model is stateful
> and
>    it does not (and neither does controller) need to be serialized.
>    - It is possible to tweak to implement stateless View but it's quite a
>    hack because most event listeners are attached to the hierarcy instead
> of
>    page root which would have avoided the need to keep/serialize state of
> the
>    view. We have prototypes of "FakeAjaxEventBehavior" which is bound to
> page
>    instead of a component; the component event thus invokes the page-level
>    listener (on gui side) and thus in event processing (page level) we
> don't
>    need the component itself nor its state.
>    - Form components, however, are difficult to implement because they
>    inherently have state in view, but on the other hand it is rare (and
>    impractical) to actually have 'huge' forms; any such large editing areas
>    will need to be 'worked around' some another way.
> **
> Martin

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