GNOME 2.20.3 Stable Release

The latest stable release of GNOME is here: GNOME 2.20.3! This is the final
release in a series of point releases for the stable 2.20 branch.

Come and see all the bug fixing, all the new translations and all the
updated documentation brought to you by the wonderful team of GNOME
contributors! While development is underway on the GNOME 2.21/2.22
road, work on the stable branch continued to make it even more solid.

The notes that describe the changes between 2.20.2 and 2.20.3 are here:

admin    - http://download.gnome.org/admin/2.20/2.20.3/NEWS
bindings - http://download.gnome.org//bindings/2.20/2.20.3/NEWS
desktop  - http://download.gnome.org/desktop/2.20/2.20.3/NEWS
devtools - http://download.gnome.org/devtools/2.20/2.20.3/NEWS
platform - http://download.gnome.org/platform/2.20/2.20.3/NEWS

The GNOME 2.20.3 release is available here:

admin sources    - http://download.gnome.org/admin/2.20/2.20.3/
bindings sources - http://download.gnome.org/bindings/2.20/2.20.3/
desktop sources  - http://download.gnome.org/desktop/2.20/2.20.3/
devtools sources  - http://download.gnome.org/devtools/2.20/2.20.3/
platform sources - http://download.gnome.org/platform/2.20/2.20.3/

To compile GNOME 2.20.3, you can use GARNOME
(http://www.gnome.org/projects/garnome/, which supports users), or
the jhbuild (http://www.gnome.org/~jamesh/jhbuild.html) modulesets available at:


We hope you'll love it,
The GNOME Release Team
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