
maybe another bug in ppg push handling. If my pap document contains a product-name attribute (which is valid according to the spec I saw), ppg fails to parse the request, this appears in the logfile:

2003-03-19 23:29:06 [14] WARNING: PPG: pap control entity erroneous, the request unacceptable

This piece of xml causes Kannel to fail:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<pap product-name="blah">

whilst this piece works:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

I looked through wap_push_ppg.c but boy, xml parsing in C *is* scary ;) Not my cup of tea.

BTW, I'm not totally sure this is actually a bug, it could be something in a more recent version of the WAP/PAP spec. I checked in WAP-247-PAP-20010429-a.pdf, which tells me this is an optional (implied) attribute so I think Kannel should handle this.



ps. I'm working on a simple commandline example java app that uses Openwave's wap push library, freely available, might be good to add this is a conformance and/or alternative testing tool? Kannel PPG does work with the example PushIT application that comes with the lib because that one does not generate the product-name attribute if it's not filled in in the GUI. The commandline tool I'm using however uses the lib's SimplePush class which sets it by default and you can't override that (easily).

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