On Mon, 11 Aug 2003 14:27:25 +0200 (CEST), <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

is there someone who knows the specifications of the openwave browser for OTA WAP provisioning messages?
How can i get them?

Last time I spoke to Openwave about this issue (admittedly, about 1.5 years ago) the official position was "We only deal with tier-1 networks or ISPs, and would prefer that the Openwave specifications remain closed, since one of the products we sell for $$$ is an Openwave-format OTA configuration system" (or something like that).

Someone out there may have been able to capture an OW-format SMS in a GSM modem, or you may be able to trick an operator in to giving you the specifications.

See http://www.openwave.com/products/mobile_services/provisioning_manager/mobile/ for the info on their product.

FWIW, I think that from reading between the lines of what the above product does, one reason that they might not be releasing the info is that you can do far more that simply configure WAP data connections using it - it could be an, err... "interesting" protocol to get hold of and play with.


-- Angus M Wood Chief Architect Inspired Broadcast Networks http://www.inspiredbroadcast.net/ Out of Home Pay to Play Networked Entertainment 1-7 Livonia Street, London, W1F 8AD, UK Tel: +44 (0)20 7478 8280 Mob: +44 (0)7767 393039 Fax: +44 (0)20 7287 0131

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