> Looks good, however I'd potentially make it more configurable so that the
> x wait is one of the default settings and can be configured should it need
> be.

If it's easy enough, then I don't see why not, but I'm not altogether
familiar with the internals of Kannel, so other than using your below code
as a starting point, I wouldn't know what to do. Personally, I think that
given enquire_link_interval is configurable that adds enough flexability -
this is similar to how IRC servers do things, with a configurable ping-time,
but if you miss two then you're disconnected, but if people think it needs
the extra option then I can try and add it.

> For example
>     if (cfg_get_integer(&enquire_link_interval, grp,
>                      octstr_imm("enquire-link-retry")) == -1)
>         enquire_link_interval = SMPP_ENQUIRE_LINK_RETRY;
> <other bits of code needed to map the parameter to the smpp structure>
>            if(date_universal_now() - smpp->last_enquire_received
>               > (smpp->enquire_link_retry * smpp->enquire_link_interval))
> etc.
> Also - would it make sense to send an extra send_enquire_link to make sure
> that the other end is not contacting?

I think that if the connection has gotten so far as to miss three pings,
it's not likely to recover, and manually sending another enquire_link would
complicate the code needlessly, but again, I'm sure there are people more
knowledgable about this than me and if they think different, then I can try
and implement it.


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