In a matter of fact, I am using a specific port. The port was assigned to us by the operator. Thus when they cut off our SMPP connection by switching off the network, we still keep the TCP connection (because Kannel isn't being restarted). So when Kannel attempts to re-bind, it failed.I figure that's what happened?

Now the operator of course won't change their settings, all i can do is set up a workaround. How can I achieve this? Can Kannel tries to rebind from attempting the TCP socket connection again?

On Sep 15, 2006, at 12:19 PM, Andreas Fink wrote:

The above shows that Kannel tries to connect again.
Now in SMPP there is no mentioning of "old session" or "new session". when you create a TCP stream, you have a new session. The only error I can imagine is that you have set your own TCP port. If you do that, the connection always comes from the same TCP port while if you don't set it, your OS will allocate a new source port. The setting is only there to work around some very stupid firewalls admins who dont know what they are doing (I think we should put some notes in the doc about that).

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