It is recommended to send every SMS individually as if you specify  delivery 
reports or similar requirements, you need to distinguish every individual SMS 
from each other. Those things are extremely difficult if you send one message 
with 1000 destination numbers. Delivery reports will acknowledge "any" message, 
not a specific one as there's no way to distinguish them from each other as you 
have only one URL which is always the same one.

On 18.03.2013, at 16:59, wrote:

> Hi guys,
> with my company we are trying to send several (we mean something like 
> 5000->10000->15000
> SMS for any send) messages using SMPP and kannel (our smsc has ask us to use 
> kannel
> framework in order to connect to their SMPP server).
> Actually in order to make it works we have two BIG problems:
> [preamble]
> Looking at the kannel documentation here:
> it's possible to use an XML post in order to send N SMSs with one single post.
> Something like:
> <da><number></number></da>
> <da><number></number></da>
> <da><number></number></da>
> [...]
> The BIG questions are:
> 1 - How it's possible setup more binfo (billing info profile) for any number 
> setup on
> this single post? It's look that is supported only 1 binfo profile for post 
> sending, with
> the problem that if I need to send SMSs worldwide, my smsc cannot distinct 
> the price of
> the SMSs.
> 2 - In develop enviroment, while we are trying to send however this SMSs (and 
> they arrive
> on the phone) the dr (delivery report) works only sometime (and randomly).
> In fact for example if I try to send 3 smss (or more) in the way described 
> before, we
> receive sometimes only 1 dr, and sometimes non of them.
> Looking on the status of the kannel server (i mean [servername]:13000/status) 
> we have
> that the most part of the delivery report are still in queued and never 
> sended. Have you
> some ideas on why this happen?
> Thank you for your support.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.

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