+1 this is a useful addition.
Thanks Stipe.

Date: Tue, 20 May 2014 17:44:04 +0200
From: Stipe Tolj <st...@kannel.org>
To: "devel@kannel.org" <devel@kannel.org>
Subject: [PATCH] Optional usage of submit_sm.message_payload for large
Message-ID: <537b7844.9000...@kannel.org>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-15"; Format="flowed"

Hi list,

at the moment there is no configurable way to have the SMPP client side
module rather use the submit_sm.message_payload field for SMPP v3.4+
sessions and large MTs.

We'll always chop to the GSM 140 octet segment size and always use

Since SMPP is in general independent from the underlying network layer (i.e.
GSM), we want to allow for PDUs that can transport larger messages in one

Please find attached a patchset that allows this, by using the existing
config directive 'max-sms-octets' in the 'group = smsc' scope. We can use it
for SMPP configuration to indicate what the maximum size of the message for
ONE PDU should be.

I.e. a config:

   group = smsc
   smsc = smpp
   max-sms-octets = 32000

would use submit_sm.short_message for any content size <= 254, and
submit_sm.message_payload for any content size > 254. The message is
segmented to multiple PDUs of size 'max-sms-octets'.

Comments and votes for committing to SVN trunk are as always welcome.


K?lner Landstrasse 419
40589 D?sseldorf, NRW, Germany

tolj.org system architecture      Kannel Software Foundation (KSF)
http://www.tolj.org/              http://www.kannel.org/

mailto:st_{at}_tolj.org           mailto:stolj_{at}_kannel.org
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