Hi Ciaran,

I think you may have found an unreported bug.
Would you like to try submit a patch to fix this bug?


Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2014 20:32:52 +0000
From: Ciaran Scolard <cia...@phonovation.com>
To: spameden <spame...@gmail.com>
Cc: "devel@kannel.org" <devel@kannel.org>, Pedro Quintas
Subject: RE: Strange sqlbox/kannel bug(?)
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

The very latest version running on CentOS 6.5 x64.

From: spameden [mailto:spame...@gmail.com]
Sent: 28 April 2014 18:10
To: Ciaran Scolard
Cc: devel@kannel.org; Pedro Quintas
Subject: Re: Strange sqlbox/kannel bug(?)

First of all, what kannel's version you're using?

Try building from source latest version from SVN.

2014-04-28 19:02 GMT+04:00 Ciaran Scolard
Further tracing with strace and SQL Profiler shows this:

Strace output:
write(7, "15:36:11.403232 20842 (write.c:140):tds_put_string converting 298
bytes of \"INSERT INTO euro_sent_sms00 (momt, sender, receiver, udhdata,
msgdata, xtime, smsc_id, service, account, sms_type, mclass, mwi, coding,
compress, validity, deferred, dlr_mask, dlr_url, pid, alt_dcs, rpi, charset,
boxc_id, binfo, meta_data, foreign_id) VALUES ('MT', '353872115934',
'53535', NULL, '\"\n", 376) = 376

SQL Profiler output:
INSERT INTO euro_sent_sms00 (momt, sender, receiver, udhdata, msgdata,
xtime, smsc_id, service, account, sms_type, mclass, mwi, coding, compress,
validity, deferred, dlr_mask, dlr_url, pid, alt_dcs, rpi, charset, boxc_id,
binfo, meta_data, foreign_id) VALUES ('MT', '353872115934', '53535', NULL, '

From: Ciaran Scolard
Sent: 28 April 2014 10:34
To: devel@kannel.org<mailto:devel@kannel.org>
Cc: Pedro Quintas
Subject: Strange sqlbox/kannel bug(?)

Hi All,

I?ve encountered a very strange bug(?) to do with kannel and sqlbox.
I?m wondering if anyone can shed some light on it.

When I insert into send_sms and specify the charset field, things start to
go strange.

When I do this.
INSERT INTO send_sms00 (momt, sender, receiver, udhdata, msgdata, smsc_id,
sms_type, coding, compress, validity, dlr_mask ) VALUES ('MT',
'353872115934', '53535', NULL, 'abcde12345', 'euro', 2, 2,  NULL, 4200, 0 )
Everything works fine.
This is without the charset field.

When I do this:
INSERT INTO euro_send_sms00 (charset, momt, sender, receiver, udhdata,
msgdata, smsc_id, sms_type, coding, compress, validity, dlr_mask ) VALUES
('utf-8', 'MT', '353872115934', '53535', NULL, 'charset', 'euro', 2, 2,
NULL, 4200, 0 ) Things go strange.
This is with the charset field.

Using the freetds debug log and wireshark I can see that the SELECT TOP 1
from send_sms is working fine.
But interstingley

1)      the charset field is not honoured. When I specify utf-8 it goes out
as UCS-2.

2)      When doing the insert into sent_sms the transaction is being

This is the command being sent to mssql:
INSERT INTO sent_sms00 (momt, sender, receiver, udhdata, msgdata, xtime,
smsc_id, service, account, sms_type, mclass, mwi, coding, compress,
validity, deferred, dlr_mask, dlr_url, pid, alt_dcs, rpi, charset, boxc_id,
binfo, meta_data, foreign_id) VALUES ('MT', '353872115934', '53535', NULL, '

For comparison purposes here is a successful INSERT into sent_sms generated
earlier by not specifying the charset field.
INSERT INTO sent_sms00 (momt, sender, receiver, udhdata, msgdata, xtime,
smsc_id, service, account, sms_type, mclass, mwi, coding, compress,
validity, deferred, dlr_mask, dlr_url, pid, alt_dcs, rpi, charset, boxc_id,
binfo, meta_data, foreign_id) VALUES ('MT', '353872115934', '53535', NULL,
'abcde12345', 0, 'euro', NULL, NULL, 2, 0, 0, 2, 0, 4200, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 0,
0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '80069')

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