On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 6:57 AM, Dan Carpenter <dan.carpen...@oracle.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Sep 23, 2012 at 11:07:12PM -0400, Kevin McKinney wrote:
>> -     pstAddIndication = kmalloc(sizeof(*pstAddIndication), GFP_KERNEL);
>> +     pstAddIndication = kmalloc(sizeof(struct bcm_add_indication), 
> Don't resend, but the style was still better in the original.

Okay, I can change the style back to the original in a future patch?
That is no problem, but I am not sure what style you are referring?
Are you referring to this: "sizeof(struct bcm_add_indication)"?  Do
you want me to change this statement?

By the way, I was able to locate a complete setup / installation for
this hardware here:

I am going to try to get the hardware installed and working so I can
test. Hopefully I can call sprint and get access in my area.  I am not
sure, but I will try!

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