On Mon, Jan 18, 2010 at 02:32:10PM -0500, Seth Vidal wrote:

> I have another radical idea - we could whitelist all sorts of things which 
> are unchanging and yet used. We could act like reasonable folks and 
> realize that one extra bug report A YEAR that you have to close as 'fixed' 
> is really not that big of  a deal.

First of all, that would be two bug reports per year, as we have a 6
month development cycle. But it also will not be that useful, as we
already have three things that have to be done by every maintainer once
or twice a year, so they can be easily used to track, whether or not a
maintainer is still around at all: FAS password, Koji certificate
Bugzilla password.
Then if you intend to catch unused packages, this will also fail unless
you also plan to implement some captcha for this for every package,
because there will be a script that a maintainer can run to close all
bugs for all of his packages at once, even for the packages he does not
maintain properly. So you will still only track down, whether or not a
packager is still around and not whether he cares about a certain


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