On 03/01/2010 12:48 PM, Peter Jones wrote:
> I'd also like a policy in place to help us avoid situations like the
> recent dnssec unpleasantness.

Sure. I'm just not at all convinced that if those packages had sit in
testing for $ARBITRARY_PERIOD_OF_TIME that they would have been tested
and fixed.

In EPEL, where there is a mandatory period of "testing" for updates, I
almost never get Bodhi karma, and if I do, it is only because I have
been aggressively harassing users to test and give karma.

If there was an eager pool of qualified and able testers for all
packages, I wouldn't blink at a forced delay for testing (that could be
overridden by karma), but I don't think that exists. (I do think that
such a pool could be built up with the proper deployment of intelligent
and user-friendly tools, but I digress.)

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