ons 2010-07-07 klockan 16:29 -0400 skrev Tom "spot" Callaway:
> Okay. Here's the list of packages that I think might be affected by
> this. Reminder: You need to check these packages and fix any which need
> fixing, then email me and let me know which ones you checked/fixed.
> Thanks!
> ~spot
> [ellert] dcap: dcap-libs-2.47.2-2.fc14.x86_64
False positive - it is the other way around: the license file is in
dcap-libs and dcap depends on dcap-libs.

> [ellert] voms: voms-doc-
Fixed in F12, F13, EPEL4 and EPEL5.
The rawhide build is currently blocked by
The EPEL6 build can not be done yet due to missing build deps.

> vomsjapi-
False positive - this package already has its own copy of the license

> [ellert] xrootd: xrootd-libs-20100315-2.fc14.x86_64
> xrootd-doc-20100315-2.fc14.noarch
False positives: upstream source does not contain a license file.
Guidelines state packager should not create one.


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