On Tuesday 27 July 2010, Przemek Klosowski wrote:
> On 07/26/2010 07:25 PM, M A Young wrote:
> > On Mon, 26 Jul 2010, Tom "spot" Callaway wrote:
> >> You're going to need to include all applicable license texts, sorry.
> > 
> > I have commited a spec file that puts all the COPYING and LICENSE files
> > into a new xen-licenses package (I don't what to include that many files
> > twice).
> This is an excellent idea. Wouldn't it make sense to take it further and
> create a couple dozen packages for all major licenses (GPL 2, 3, BSD,
> MIT, Artistic, Apache etc etc) and specify the correct ones as
> dependencies of respective packages?

I suppose the Q&A section in the original announcement is intended to cover 


| Q. Why can't we just have a "fedora-licenses" package which has copies
| of all the licenses in Fedora and just always install it?
| A. Maintaining that package would be a huge pain. We have a LOT of
| licenses in Fedora and they change all the time, often without notice.
| However, if you'd like to write some code to help us minimize duplicate
| license files on the filesystem with a "common-licenses" package, then
| you should look at http://rpm.org/ticket/116. Have I mentioned that I'd
| like that functionality added to rpm?
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