On 11/01/2018 07:23 AM, Alexander Ploumistos wrote:
> Hello,
> A few minutes ago I was notified about a post in a closed bug. It
> turns out that the account that made the post has been sporadically
> spamming various bugs:
> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/page.cgi?id=user_activity.html&action=run&who=dragoelanie%40gmail.com&from=2018-01-01&to=2018-11-01&sort=when
> The websites that are being linked to from these posts seem to be of
> the support scam garden variety.
> I did not know where to report this, hence this message.
> Can someone nuke the posts or at least the hyperlinks?
> Btw, bugzilla reports that there are multiple accounts with the same
> name, so that might be worth looking into.

Apparently also bodhi too? Maybe unrelated, but this comment came in
earlier today:


- Cole
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