Hi Fedora developers,

I’m looking to join your ranks 😊 I’ve made 
PRs already, and had mistakenly skipped this important step of introducing 

I’m a senior software engineer on the Amazon Linux team at AWS. I’m working on 
the infrastructure and tooling we use for AL packaging, and on maintenance of 
our user-space packages. I joined the AL team in Q3 2021 with much excitement 
for our direction regarding 
AL22<https://aws.amazon.com/linux/amazon-linux-2022/> and Fedora collaboration, 
and am continuing to support that direction internally. I’ve been at Amazon 
since 2016, having worked in internal developer tools organization for the 
majority of that time, specifically on the massive internal build system and on 
enabling AWS deployments for Amazon’s developers. Prior to Amazon, I’ve worked 
on software for solar power system logging and control, and on CRUD web 
development projects. I studied software engineering and mathematics at the 
University of Queensland for several years.

I’ve ran Fedora (Silverblue) as my daily driver on my laptop since at least 
2011, though I experiment and dual boot various other distros on other machines 
(big fan of Guix, Alpine and OpenBSD). Fedora’s always been my trusty 
workhorse, though, and I’m ashamed that it’s taken me this long to start 
contributing to the project that I’ve gotten so much value from. Better late 
than never!

I live in Newcastle, WA, USA, and have lived in the Seattle area for the past 
six years. I’m originally from Brisbane, Australia. I have a 
website<http://minglis.id.au/> that’s been gathering dust, but am hoping to get 
around to that soon. Outside of software which I read and nerd about perhaps 
too much, I love going places and doing things with my family. I enjoy reading 
science fiction and history. I am interested in futurism, space exploration and 
human-scale urban design, and appreciate good coffee and dry wine.

Excited to get to work with you all,
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