Hi, Darryl.

> How to clone the GitHub repository in the spec file
RPM packages are build from Source files. You don't clone the repository in the 
rather, you download the repository as a tarball and use that. For GitHub, you 
can download
a specific git tag (or commit) by using the following URL as a source:

> should there be one package or a separate python package
If the python bindings are usable without the command-line application,
or if the application is usable without the python interface - it can be done.
You don't need to create a separate .spec file; rather, you can build the python
package as a sub-package.

For what it's worth, back in the day I wrote a couple of posts on my blog
that aim to explain some basics of RPM packaging.
Maybe you'll find them useful.
- https://blog.svgames.pl/article/basics-of-rpm-packaging
- https://blog.svgames.pl/article/building-multiple-packages-with-rpm

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